Henry Mitchell called the dogwood, "the last tree God made."
Undeniably lovely in each of the four seasons, dogwoods create a fairyland atmosphere in springtime. Enchanting in our gardens, I hope you can also get into the woods to see Cornus florida, Eastern Dogwood or Cornus nuttallii, Western Dogwood, in their layered branching, wild beauty.
Hi~~ Your photo is mesmerizing. I wonder if the Dogwood was a muse for Thomas Kincaid's paintings.
Any news on the Governor's Garden? :)
Grace, Mesmerizing is the word for dogwoods. Some medical type should check my vitals before and after I look at those trees--I certainly feel it in my body.
I check daily on Maria, Arnold and the Sacramento garden--only word so far is that the ground-breaking will be in May. Soaking rains tonight so it may be too muddy for the First Horse to do his bit.
Great quote. I saw one today that had just finished blooming, had the carpet of petals all around it.
Ryan, Wonderful image. Just as pretty as the tree in bloom, don't you think?
Beautiful photo -- I will have to check out the Cornus nuttallii I don't know that one.
I always like seeing dogwoods on the edge of deep woods, just as shown in the photo. What's even better is the combination of dogwoods and redbuds that you see along places like the Newfound Gap road in the Smokies.
Beautiful! How nice they grow in the wild, gives me a little hope for growing one in my yard!
Lovely photo. I mean, assuming this IS a real dogwood, and not a spoof or satirical version of some sort ;-)
Janet, The Western Dogwood likes a drier climate but has the same breathtaking habit.
Jenny, Yes! Smokies, redbuds, dogwoods. It's hard not to drive to the airport this minute, to catch the next flight to Asheville, NC. I'll have to keep reading Outside Clyde for local photos and news.
Heather, Did you plant Cornus florida or a Kousa hybrid? Tricky part is providing them with an upper-story so that they get the dappled shade they love.
Susan, Oh, these are real dogwoods all right. The spoof dogwoods are Cornus satiricii and they are very hard to photograph.
wow gorgeous. too bad we dont have seasons in texas. thanks for sharing.
Cornus satiricii indeed!!! I wish Dogwoods did better here - we get so much dashed rain that they do OK but not fantastic - the tree dogs, at least - we do fine with the shrub dogs. Lovely imagery, I'm having a great time imagining the fairyland in the woods!
Cornus nuttallii in Spring is the one tree that gives Arbutus menziesii a run for its money as my favorite native tree in the Northwest. This time of year I can't turn around without seeing one in full bloom and each time I do I feel like asking for a slow-dance.
Beautiful photo!
Josie, Dogwoods are the chief joy of four seasons, to me.
Gen, Too unfair that you have big trees and no Cornus to enliven the understory! Shrubs are better than nothing, but....
Maranta, Welcome back, and thank you for your beautiful writing. That had better go in your book.
Such a beautiful photo.
Welcome Maria! I think dogwoods in the forest are the loveliest sight of the year.
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