DAVIS (DP) Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger continued down the garden path today. During an appearance in Davis he said that California needed to have a serious discussion about the legalization of marijuana.
Commentators in the smoke-filled rooms of the capitol wondered if this was a strategy to promote interest in what will actually be planted by First Lady Maria Shriver in the forthcoming vegetable garden in Capitol Park in Sacramento. "It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase leafy greens", said Mary Jane, a Sacramento garden expert.
An anonymous source suggested that the Governor made the statement just to gain brownie points with some rural counties.
It's actually up before the finance committee - I think he wants to tax it so we (the state of Cali) can move ourselves out of the red and into the black. Because if it's legal then we won't spend millions of dollars prosecuting and incarcerating people who are responsible for a pound here and there, and additionally it will bring in billions/year in revenue.
Also, if Tequila is legal, pot should be legal :-)
Welcome Emily! I did not know it was in committee.
You're killing me! I can't stop laughing!
Very funny! I read this one to hubby as he was born and raised in Sac. I enjoy reading your posts so much- you have quite the sense of humor and it really brightens my day! See you on facebook ;)
You're killing me! I can't stop laughing!
So, maybe he felt as if one needed the weed to get the munchies in order to eat what Maria is growing. I agree with Emily, legalize it. Enough with the small stuff.
Peonies, Glad to hear that laughter!
Tessa, I bet your husband knows that Capitol Park is that big park right next to the state capitol building.
Janet, Now what does happen to a body builder with the munchies?
DP, it occurs to me we've never seen a photo of your own garden, and the picture at the start of this post looks mighty recent - is it possible we're catching a glimpse of what passes for "gardening" at Casa Daffodil?
Susan, I'm shocked, I tell you! The photo is courtesy of the Feds. I may live in Nevada County, but you don't have to indulge in cultural stereotypes.
Hi Daff~~ I've "heard rumors" that the First Family is also contacting seed houses about procuring and undisclosed amount of Papaver somniferum seed to embellish the vegetable plots around the state. This the recommendation of the Governor's appointed sub-committee on the subject. Citing various studies conducted at various scientific research labs, Papaver has been known to bring cheer to the state's copious unemployed citizens. (It's late. I'm not at my best.)
Grace, It must have been hard to find subjects for those studies.... Papaver somniferum, hmmm. Flowers in addition to herbs, vegetables, and fruit? We'll have to keep a close eye on what gets planted in Capitol Park!
Like maybe Humbolt or Siskiyou county? Funny, that dude ought to smoke something, he acts as if he does already. Hope you're not a fan, I doubt many are.
Heather, You've got your geography hat on--yes, those counties. My snappy remarks to Susan notwithstanding, I understand there was a substantial agricultural product in Nevada County too for many years.
I don't think Arnold has a lot of fans these days. I think our First Lady, Maria Shriver, is doing a good job on all fronts, and will miss her when his term is up.
See, see what Arnie meant when he went to WEED the garden.
Touche, Rob!
Herb garden indeed. Andrew Sullivan has up a video of the governor back in the 70's taking a hit off a joint wearing a shirt that says something like Arnold is number one. The most valuable plant in the world and this is the first photo of it I've seen on a garden blog.
Ryan, If the law changes we might see a new crop of garden blogs, depending on what amounts would be legal. Anyone have some good names for those blogs?
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