Narcissus Nirvana is back with the 2012 Daffodil Blogorama (a round-up of blog posts about daffodils) and the annual meeting of the American Daffodil Society. If you're anywhere close to Towson, Maryland, rush over and revel in the flowers and fellowship at the Annual Meeting, April 20-22.
For those of us who can't make the Annual Meeting, two quick glimpses of New Hampshire daffodils from my friend, Lynn Felici-Gallant.
Lynn's combination of nodding Narcissus 'Thalia' and Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' in the New Hampshire garden Lynn left last year. That transition story was on a podcast with Andrew Keys at Horticulture magazine.

Lynn is Merchandising & Marketing Manager here at the independent retail garden center and wholesale grower, Pick of the Planet, in Greenland, New Hampshire.
The 2012 Daffodil Blogorama tour of the world begins now, starting in New Zealand and moving West around the globe. Click on the name of the blog to see a daffodil story:
* Enjoy the adventures of Mary "Moosey" planting daffodils with her horticulturally inclined kitten at Moosey's Country Garden in New Zealand.
* Kathy Purdy of Cold Climate Gardening in New York fesses up with a romantic tale of why Narcissus poeticus is her favorite flower.
* We love daffodils, but they don't love other flowers in vases. Joene Hendry delivers a horrible warning from Joene's Garden in Connecticut.
* An ode to Narcissus 'Mount Hood', by yellow-dissing John Markowski who's An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener in Pennsylvania.
* The Queen of Seaford, Janet, now reigns in South Carolina and is taking royal liberties by combining her daffs in arrangements with other spring flowers.
* Kate's Garden Journal from Ohio is on "D" for daffodil. Or should it be "F" for forcing?
* Susy Morris at Chiot's Run in the Ohio countryside kindly created a charming daffodil parade for me. You'll love it too.
* Tyla is a daffodil specialist at All About Daffodils in Alabama and she's breaking up with 'February Gold' in one of the funniest daffodil posts ever. Music video included!
* Have you tried daffodils in containers? Tips for success from Debbie Teashon at Rainy Side Gardeners in western Washington.
* Claire Splan wants to know just how pink a "pink" daffodil really gets in An Alameda Garden.
* Wrap up with me, on a quick Daffodil Planter tour of Daffodil Daydreams weekend at famed Filoli.
Thanks to all the bloggers for sharing their work!
Can't get enough?
First Daffodils is now a Facebook page where people from all over the world send photos of the first sightings of daffodils in their towns. Order a daffodil note cube from them.
If you can't attend the National Show this year, check out the American Daffodil Society website for answers to all your daffodil questions. Join the American Daffodil Society and a daffodil society near you.
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Wow. This post is such a great idea, and I can't wait to read others' stories about daffs. Thanks so much for including my pics (sans blog post), and for your generous links. Happy spring to all. Lynn
Can't wait to sit gown with some coffee and look at all these lovely blogs!
Wonderful posting!! Will be around to visit all the daff posting. Thanks for doing this.
Love daffs! Am really bummed I cannot mak the ADS mtg and it is practically in my backyard! But it conflicts with Leesburg (VA) Flower & Garden Fest so will have to send you my best wishes and enjoy the event.
This was a very weird spring - seemed like all the daffs bloomed at once early, mid and late season - no matter what they were "supposed" to do. I have a few last ones in a north-facing bed, but assume today's heat (high up to 90!) will zap those now too.
The last blog you need to be a member of something to view the posting. An Alameda Garden...would have loved to see the pink daffs.
Rainy Side Gardeners and Moosey's Country Garden need you to go into a forum to comment....weeding through all the topics in the forums. :-(
Wonderful posting!! Will be around to visit all the daff posting. Thanks for doing this.
Garden centre Central region
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