Photo: ori2uru
Daffodil season may be over, but five lucky readers will have daffodil note cubes to cheer them through the rest of the year. Perfect for jotting down bulb orders!
The blind, random selection yielded the names of Claire, plaisanter, Angela, Jan and Kathy.
I will send the names to First Daffodils 2011, our generous prize donor, and she will ship the prizes. If you didn't win, you can still order your own note cubes at her site.
Why so long for this announcement? I was hither and yon, at flower shows, and then entranced by my own daffodil season. The last bloom was poeticus Narcissus 'Actaea'. What was yours?
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Hi Charlotte...
Wow! What a lovely surprise! I'm kind of in shock that I've won...I was never, ever expecting to read that news this morning! Such a nice treat...thank you, thank you! I haven't talked with you in 'forever'...I hope you are well and doing great;-)
Congrats to the winner.
Congrats to the winners! As for my last daffodil bloom....I think it was Cheerfulness. Was really hoping for more of a presentation of Cheerfulness as I had 100 of them. Maybe next year!
Thanks to everyone who left a comment in the contest. I enjoyed every comment and thought they all showed your personality, creativity, insight, and unique way of looking at daffodils. We'll do this again next year. I'll finish adding about 20 more photos to the photo blog, then close up for the season but will be back in January 2012 to start all over again. Aren't we lucky?
-- You are all awesome.
Thank you! I've been told the daffodil cube is on its way. My daffodils are still blooming, mostly the Narcissus poeticus. The double N. poeticus haven't started yet.
Congrats to all the winners! If I had answered last week my last daffodil would have been Sir Winston Churchill but the freakishly cold rainy weather brought a surprise fifth (yes, fifth!)flush of blooms from my Quail yellow jonquils.I would almost give my right arm to have one poeticus flower but it rarely happens in my garden.
Janet,I share your pain over Cheerfulness being such a fickle bloomer.I also have a large planting that sometimes blooms like crazy,sometimes sparsely, and sometimes not at all.It is frustrating because the flowers are so beautiful when they do appear and they have that unique gardenia-like scent.
Poetticus Narcissus Actaea is one of my favorite blooms and last the longest in my garden
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