Photo: Supherman
Oh, I'm Punxsutawney Phil
From the Keystone State.
Today I'll tell you all if
Spring is going to be late.
To all you eager gardeners
Who hounded me from my bed.
Go back to your flower shows*
And gardening books** instead!
*Show time! Catch the Northwest Flower & Garden Show in Seattle. Philadelphia hosts the world's largest indoor flower show. Garden experts from around the country will be flocking to the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show in San Mateo.
**I wrote two book reviews for The Union newspaper. Click to read author interviews about Fearless Color Gardens by Keeyla Meadows, and Succulent Container Gardens by Debra Lee Baldwin.
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I don't think I've ever read groundhog poetry before. Very cute indeed.
And I'll look forward to the book reviews as well.
I'll have to get poet Molly Fisk to analyze Phil's meter.
I guess he saw his shadow, foretelling six more weeks of winter. If that means rain...we'll take it down here! I have read Fearless Color & Succulent Container Gardens, both pretty good.
Groundhogs are liars! That is my claim. Early spring/ late spring...they just tell us what they think we want to hear.
Look forward to your book reviews
I have copied this to be re-read every groundhog day hence forth. It is after all, my favorite holiday!
Susie, I too am glad to have a longer, wetter winter! Good to know you liked Keeyla and Debra's books. I can't wait to dig in.
Janet, Now that's interesting! I never thought of groundhogs as being wily enough to lie. More slow coaches in my mind. But I never knew they sang either....
Heather, I'm sure Phil will be terribly flattered at being part of your annual celebration!
I moved to western North Carolina just in time for what is described as "the worst winter we've had in 25 years." (And that's before the big ice storm predicted for tonight!) I am willing to listen to any prognostications or even outright lies about the imminent arrival of spring!
I read today on Wikipedia that the g.h. has a 39% success rate with his predictions. That means, if my knowledge of statistics does not deceive me, that he's more likely to be wrong than right...
(Of course it's all East Coast weather anyway, I myself look at the El Nino predictions, which say... more rain)
Jenny, Ice storms are so beautiful if you're inside. Spring in the Smokies will be worth the wait.
Town Mouse, There's no doubt you are a much smarter rodent than Phil and his kin. Your prediction was correct--it's raining!
"You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life."
groundhog day
Thanks Ryan, for the crucial cinematic contribution!
Thanks for the updates about the garden shows... I forgot about the Seattle one.
Welcome Dirty Girl! Getting good reports from the Seattle show (still time to hop a plane). Hope to see you at the SF show in March.
P.S. Added you to the Northern California blog roll here.
Very cool about the upcoming book reviews! I had dinner with Rebecca Sweet from Gossip in the Garden, and she made delicous stuffed peppers from Grocery Garden.
So if you need anyone to sample recipes when you do your reviews, I'm your girl!
Susan, Your selfless dedication is impressive, and deeply appreciated. Does it extend to taking a bite of an agave, from Debra's book?
Daffodil - you've been nominated for an award...stop by my blog to see!
Deja Pseu, Tu es très gentil!
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