Portrait of The Queen (2002) John Swannell/Camera Press
Exciting report from Buck House in London about the new kitchen garden!
Garden Organics supplied heritage seeds with appropriate names. The tomatoes are Queen of Hearts, Golden Queen, and White Queen; the beans are Royal Red and a rare, climbing Blue Queen; one of the lettuces is Northern Queen.
Which leads me to ask--have you ever chosen varieties just because they share your name (or title)?
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Now, I thought you were talking about me!!! I guess I should look into those varieties. :-D
Janet, Yes, all the Queens should be planting those vegs!
Yes, I have picked plants that share my name! Sheila's perfume is one that I would never grow except it has my name and the osteospermum "Sheila" is one that I grow for both reasons. I love it and it shares my name!
Sheila, What fun!
I'm very glad to see the Queen is doing her bit by making the palace part of the Transition Town movement. Like the circular beds; I guess you can have hand-watering in a big garden when you can afford the staff for it (or if you're dirt-poor).
I've always believed most of us are secretly drawn by the names of things: racehorses, towns, songs, and yes, seeds.
Nope, but if I found one I probably would. I've wanted to buy a few varieties because I liked their name though. My former last name was Queen, so I bet I could have found a lot of varieties!
never came accross any w/ my name but I agree w/ Pamona Belvedere. I chose a few plants for the garden this year just for their names: Yellow Submarine cucumber (my oldest son's favorite album) Boxcar Willie Tomato (my husband is a train enthusiast) and German Johnson (it was just funny to say out loud! ;)
I choose things a lot because I like the name, and the zone! They tend to be the only ones I can remember without help!
My favorite iris this year has been 'Royal Amethyst' - it's a deep periwinkle and I'm sure the Queen would love it as well :-)
Pomona, I like that circular potato bed too. Hand watering is my middle name. The Queen's gardeners must have fun with 40 acres at their disposal (Corgi nips notwithstanding).
I think a name can induce one to buy a plant. And is there any other way to choose a racehorse?
Tessa, Must have ben true love for you to change a surname like Queen! Can you bring it back--just for gardening purposes? So many good choices just in this post and the comments.
Christine, I hope you have garden labels so that everyone can get a kick out of those hilarious plant names!
VW, Sounds like a gorgeous iris--and the Queen has a set of amethyst jewelry that she wears.
Heather, The name makes it memorable for me too. Works for blogs as well. Like, Idaho Small Goat Garden, just for an example ;-)
I had a tree donated in my name once. It's growing in the children's garden at Brenners Children Hospital in Winston Salem, NC. Probably never will have one named after me.
I think the Queen looks pretty. She carries herself well.
I can't concentrate right now cause the news anchor on TV just revealed that he is wearing shorts with his dress coat and tie. That really bugs me for some reason. I have a hard time taking him serious knowing he's a goof from the waist down.
FGG, The Queen is certainly better dressed than your news anchor!
The Queen looks stunning, as does the room she is in.
I love plant names! The funny ones are the best. Take Hot Lips Sage for example (Salvia microphylla). Who can say that name without laughing?
Red Studio, HM does look the part, doesn't she? And the tiara looks pretty on her silver hair.
Hot Lips Sage? That takes the cake!
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