Sigmund Freud in the garden, with his daughter Anna.
Or am I getting my quotations mixed up? That's the hot topic tossed out by the new group, Garden Writers Today.
Dr. Freud had clients lie on a couch and free asssociate. As a garden writer I'll lie on a hammock and go through the same mental process.
Readers who want to charge $150 an hour to analyze my responses had better stop here.
I want more of the same great support that I'm getting from my online and local community of garden writers:
- Debra Lee Baldwin sent me the rule for when to capitalize and italicize the name of a genus. I printed that out and taped it to the wall in my office. I know--I'm supposed to have it pinned with an adorable trowel tack to a charming cork board. Feel free to send either one.
- Writers who shall remain anonymous have shared information on current rates for writing gigs.
- Dee Nash took a dazzling photo of Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant' and let me use it as the illustration for a newspaper story.
- Rebecca Sweet threw a party for garden bloggers and tweeters who were going to the 2010 San Francisco Flower & Garden Show, and Laura Livengood Schaub made sure we had an "alternative media" press room at the Show.
- Retired Sacramento Bee garden writer Dick Tracy is my neighbor in Nevada County. He reached out as an encouraging mentor and introduced me to his circle of friends.
Let's keep the camaraderie and information flowing!
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